Thursday, October 29, 2015


 Floyd is sure getting some blog time-- but how could I resist the pictures that Lucinda and Roger took of him before he came to me.  
 He is just precious!    He looks so laid back here-- and he is!   He's dressed up as an outlaw-- but he's really more like Chester on Gunsmoke.
 Desi is ready for a party--
 Her pink cowgirl hat is sitting nicely.  I don't think she's an outlaw either.
 Do you see your buddy?
 Onslow and Desi are quite a pair.   They have become such wonderful friends.
 And they are such good little cowpokes for all the photo sessions.
 Floyd was watching it all.   He has one eye that is a little clouded, and he doesn't hear, but he follows me everywhere.   (Yes, I just looked over and there he is.)
 He is content as long as someone is close by.  
Onslow, yes, the session is done!   Is this what you really think of it?   You are so cute!


  1. Yeeha!!!

    Them there are some real cute cowboys and cowgirls at Must Love Pekes!!!

  2. What a great story-line this morning. Adorable.
