Sunday, October 4, 2015


 Kai Kai has been with me over four years now-- he is ten years old and I love this dog.   He is very timid and very attached to me.  He sleeps right next to me every night.   He follows me everywhere in the house and gets frantic if I go upstairs and he doesn't know it.   So, I  call him if I go up or down, in or out....
 He had to go to the vet to have his eye checked.   He sat in Sugar Bit's car seat.   He had a great view from there-- of the street and me.  (I was in his sight the whole time!)
 While we were waiting, one of the techs came out to see Chumley-- you see, Chumley doesn't know a stranger and he was wagging his tail and rolling all over to get attention.
 I told them Kai Kai was just very timid.   So, she came to pet him-- and said HER name was Kai!  Spelled the same!
 Wow-- Kai Kai and Kai!
Kai Kai was fine with her petting him, but kept his eyes on me the ENTIRE time.   He was making sure he wasn't going anywhere!  That's my boy!