Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Melrose came into rescue with Mickey and Maxine.   And look-- both Melrose and Maxine were adopted yesterday!!   (Mickey already found his forever home.)
Melrose now lives with Charley, a female Peke who has "sort of" welcomed him into the home.
His new mom (and foster mom) sent me a note:  "Over the past 2.5 months we have come to love him and want to protect him from ever feeling abandoned again. He has become very attached to me and I have a feeling of responsibility toward him. He follows Ty (my husband)  around and has become more and more comfortable with him as the weeks go by. Ty feeds him each night and is the one who takes him out each morning... they have a connection that gets stronger each day. It has been a slow process but I am fairly certain that in the past Mel has been frightened by a man, I don't get the impression he was physically abused but perhaps yelled at or restricted by one......whenever he comes to my feet and lays down to have his head rubbed and looks at me with those sweet sad eyes I just know I want to protect him from ever again being lonely or feeling unwanted."
 Maxine did so well in her foster home, learning to love and trust.    She had a bond with her foster mom's niece that was precious.
 She learned to relax, enjoy beds and the company of people that loved her.
She went to her new home yesterday.   They were SO excited to get her.    Maxine, Melrose and Micky came in as neglected, unsure, and timid Pekes.   But, now they are part of families, loved and cherished.    It doesn't get better than that.    Welcome to the graduate family of PVPC Pekes!!