Tuesday, October 13, 2015


 We began work on the floor refinishing yesterday.  Starlight was so insulted that it began on her birthday.   What a NOT so nice gift.
 The grandbits were having a great time in the empty rooms.
 The living room/play room looked a wreck.   LOTS of furniture in there (it will be refinished later).  The garage is also full of furniture instead of cars.   I'll be changing how the rooms are set up when it's done.  The dining room will be the piano room and part playroom.  The playroom/living room will be part playroom and part office.  The office will become the dining room-- I think.    But, I have a plan.  Matt is thrilled when I move rooms around. (Our home has an extra room downstairs--so we can put the dining room on the front or the back of the house.)
 Kai Kai was not a bit thrilled.
 Sugar Bit's playpen had to be moved.   So did pictures, curtains, mini-blinds... I told Matt we were replacing the mini-blinds with nicer ones.   (The ones we have are old!)   So, no mini-blinds until we get new ones.
 The Bits thought we should just leave one room open for a giant playroom.  
 They were making road ways, villages, parks.... Good thing I buy construction paper in bulk!
 Starlight was still put out.
 The sanding will be finished and the first coat of "varnish" goes on.
 I'm so excited to have these all re-done.  They needed to be done when we moved in 17 years ago--
 Starlight is just insulted to be stuck on the porch.
 Let us in!

1 comment:

  1. Well......... what a shame Coco and Starlight could not go out together on Ms Starlight's birthday!

    You did that on purpose didn't you Linda!!!! .................LOL!
