Saturday, November 7, 2015


 OH MY GOSH-- did you say bath??   Amelia is already feeling insulted.  (This is a old picture, but the expression fits my story.   Amelia only has one eye now, but she sees just fine.)
 She and Magnolia are conspiring on how to get out of this debacle!   (Sometimes, I have to take "literary license" and use an older picture to enhance my stories.  haha)
 Her mom said that "her sulk was mighty!"  after her bath.   She is giving her mom a massive disapproval for having to go through a bath and get wet.   Oh, the horror of it all.
 Her mom said all she did was, "wash her, dry her-- it was the trifecta of inappropriateness"-- oh, the Pekes can be so regal and Her Majesty Amelia is DONE!    
 Her sister, Magnolia was insulted, too.  
They both received a treat, though-- and curled up together to rest after the horrible bath ordeal.   The things we put them through!  Awful!


  1. Well Linda ...... as they say .... You have to say "Please" to a Pekingese !!!!

    That is bathing too you know ! Ha!

  2. This story restores my faith in people who love and care for Pekingese.

    Baths for the frowny face Pekes who later will strut and caper about after a good scrub, towel or hair dryer styling and all of the "Oh isn't she/he so cute" remarks that roll in. Pekes won't let their mamas get too full of themselves so the put up a fuss about taking a bath or having a spa day at home.

  3. GREAT pics and captions! When I take my fur babies for a spa day, the groomers always say they were good. ??? I think they are telling a little white lie, because they sure aren't good with me when I "try" to bathe them! I get a bath too! Love Amelia's expression in the first pic! Yes, you heard the word B-A-T-H!
