Monday, November 2, 2015


 Chompers, in the middle, was a beloved boy of Mark and Alisa.   He was with Schmoo and Pudgie here, his best buddies.   Chompers had fought cancer for 18 months and died this week.    His mom and dad have regularly posted pictures and shared their adventures with their dogs and it was so much fun to read them.    Mark posted a farewell for his boy, Chompers, and I'm going to share it here-- he said it all much better than I ever good.  
 "Chompers was put to sleep last night. A few weeks ago, I wrote a little tribute to him that I'd like to share.    Mayor Chompers "Good Boy" Peters. The day we first met you at the FARM rescue, you sauntered across the floor to meet me, a certain swagger in your step informed by the knowledge that, once you reached me, you'd be received as a friend. My ego kicked in. I thought you'd chosen us. Us! Then the door opened, and another person walked in. You immediately whirled and strolled over to greet the new person.
After all, you are the unofficial mayor of Baltimore. You have constituents to meet and babies to kiss.
  You adopted your mommy and me a few weeks after our wedding. I remember bringing you home, our Chompie Bear. You were a snuggler. In the evenings when Mommy and I curled up on the couch, you took your place behind my knees with your head on my leg. That was your position for years. You also showed how much you loved food by learning nearly a dozen tricks very quickly. We were so proud.
We were so proud. When we walked, you strutted alongside us. The way you walked reminded me of John Travolta’s swagger during the opening credits of “Saturday Night Fever.” We sometimes sang a version of “Stayin’ Alive” to you in a Bee Gees falsetto.  You loved introducing yourself. You charmed family, friends and people on the street with your cheerful, friendly attitude. Folks swooned to discover that you enjoyed being cradled on your back, like a baby. I remember one vegan potluck in our home in which you fell asleep in someone’s arms and were passed you around from person to person, still asleep.
Chompers, you were our first “love child,” our good-natured bear, and a supportive brother. Your confidence helped Attila the Hunny get over her fear of thunderstorms. You didn’t complain when Fly stole snacks and hid them. You walked amiably with Twinkie even when she “told you off” every so often. You taught Pudgie and Schmoo that, really, Daddy and Mommy will give you treats even when you don’t play or perform tricks and just lie around. Really! I swear!
When the oncologist told us that surgeries and sixteen weeks of chemotherapy had failed to eradicate the cancer in your body, we thought we only had a little time left to love on you. We consider ourselves blessed to have had nearly 18 months with you since then. Every day with you was a gift.
Thank you, Chompers, for choosing us. We love you, little bear."
Run free now, Chompers.  Find your friends there and have fun.   You were a wonderful boy!


  1. Oh Mark .... you have me crying! What wonderful words you have said about Mr Chompers the Mayor of Dog Heaven and the King of the Disco floor up there !

    Sending love to Alisa and Mark from Australia .

  2. What a loving and inspirational story. Condolences for your loss but Chompers has left you so many good memories that you can share. Thanks to you and your family and thanks to the great person who shares these stories on her blog.
