Sunday, November 29, 2015


 Piper came into rescue 3 years ago this month.   He was 3 years old and was turned in by his owners.  I met them at the vet and saw the sweetest little Peke.   He was with me about 6 months and then he was adopted.
 He went to the greatest family  and they keep me updated on how he's doing.    (Foster parents know how wonderful this is to know their fosters have gone on to wonderful lives.  Pictures and updates are priceless!)   His new parents just celebrated his birthday-- they do this on the day he was turned into rescue.
 Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you.....   This is so special!
 Piper loves toys. And he received several for his birthday.
 Piper wrote me a short note:
We celebrated my birthday today. It is the day I came to rescue. My mommy and daddy spoiled me with a cake, cards and a new toy. Daddy brought me a monkey from Japan! 2016 is the Year of the Monkey but he said I could have it early.   My brother Sammy and sister Abbi played with it too. I got a small amount of my favorite birthday food, pizza!
Hope you and the other pekes are doing well.
 His sister, Abbi, joined the family shortly after Piper-- they are best friends!
Piper is thinking of the next holiday-- Christmas!   I wonder what he will get-- it will be wonderful I know!

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