Thursday, November 5, 2015


 Lester is an older boy-- about 10-- who was in Richmond animal control.   He sat there waiting for his owners to come, but they didn't.
 I don't think anyone really expected the owners to show up.    This was not a dog who has been cared for.
 But, we cared.   Jeanne went over to get him-- and the staff was thrilled that we were going to help.   So many animal control staff/people really do care about the animals there.   But, what can they do?   They had put him on some meds and tried to brush him out, but they can't magically have an owner turn up to take them home.    So, Lester sat there.
 We got him and he went right to the vet.  He was so matted that he had to be completely shaved down.   No problem-- his coat will grow back and he'll have a beautiful coat.   He was SO GOOD during the grooming!   He just sat there and let it happen.    I think he was overjoyed to be taken care of.
 He is about 18 pounds, not a small one, but he sure is cute.   He had a dental and lost 8 teeth.  
 He was ready to go to his foster home!
 He arrived just in time for Halloween-- and he had his very own outfit!    MOOO!
I love our foster homes-- they are just the best.   They are willing to take the sick and old, the young and healthy-- whatever we have need for, they step up to do!    Thank you to Lester's foster family-- to Jeanne, and to everyone who helps us in rescue.   You are the best!


  1. Oh now I want Lester ... real bad!!! Albert and Lester - what a beautiful pair they would make! :)

    What a lovely black Peke Lester is ... how can you just leave your pet and never come back?

    OK Lester ..... I am doing my Sexy Old Peke Adoption dance as I type!

    Oooooo.... just love a black Peke!!!

  2. Hello, I saw this dog online and alerted someone as I am out of the area. Just following up, glad you were able to go get him and was wondering the status on his health/eyes and if he is available for adoption or already spoken for? Thanks, Nicola

  3. I tell ya .... my Oldie Sexy Adoption Dance seems to be working!
