Saturday, December 19, 2015


 My house gets transformed at Christmas.   I've always loved Christmas, but now that we have so many grandchildren, we want it to be even more magical.
 My grandmother was born in the late 1800's.   And she made snow for their Christmas trees.   They did not have much money, so snow and homemade ornaments made the tree special.   My mother made this snow to put on her tree, and I have done it for years.   My girls do it, too.  The tradition continues.
 You grate Ivory soap-- don't use another soap, or liquid soap.  It just doesn't work well, and you will find it disappears.   After grating the soap, you put in a small amount of HOT water and beat it!    And beat it, and beat it.   I know before electric hand mixers, it was done with hand turned mixers-- I am sure it took a long time, and a lot of hands.  
 You mix it until it is thick and then it is ready to go on the tree.   Here is the tree, ready for snow!
 I use a small spatula to put it on the limbs.   I used to use my hand, but after I was done, my hand was sore, so now I use the spatula.
 Layer it on the branches-- it can be a heavy snowfall, or a light one, whatever your preference.   I do this last-- after all the lights and ornaments are on.   It is the final step.
 Soon, the branches look like it has just snowed and they are beautiful.
 It sometimes drops on the ornaments, and the floor-- but that just makes it more beautiful.
It finishes off the tree for me.    The tree is not complete until this special, old touch is done.
 Chumley decided to see how he looked by the tree.   I think he looks just fine.
If you click on the picture, you can get a closer look.    I think it was Peke-approved!   Max likes it!


  1. I have never heard about making snow from Ivory soap ... but .. boy its sure works Linda .... just like it!

  2. My gosh, I had forgotten about this snow making but yes we did it when I was a little kid. In fact my 2 sisters and I fought over who got to use the old egg beater.

    Thanks for bringing back a memory that was buried in my childhood. Oh and I was the poorest icicle thrower of all time. My method was to throw a handful at the tree and let it sort itself out while my sisters were the little angels who placed each strand precisely and evenly spaced on the tree.
