Wednesday, December 9, 2015


 I know all of you want to know how Joyful is doing-- here are some recent pictures of her.
 She has an undershirt on now, to give her another layer under her sweater.   We have to keep this girl warm!
 I think she is looking intently for Santa Claus-- she already got her wish.  A warm home, loving foster mom, and all she needs.
 She loves all her quilts and soft bedding.  Thank you to those who have sent her gifts. :-)
 She is still hunched some-- that may or may not be able to be corrected.   We can make her stronger, but we can't replace her bones, which really took a hit from the lack of care and nutrition.   We can give her medication to help her joints, and any pain she has.
 Joyful saw the vet yesterday and she gained over a pound!!!  WOW.  She now weighs 10.11 pounds!   She is eating the K/D stew, which she really likes.   She ran to the vet and Dr. Meador was so impressed with her.   Joyful is much more alert and her ears look good now.  Her eyes have more shine to them.  She has a heart murmur, a 4 of 6, but that's not bad considering all she's been through.
 People have been posting some "Joy" signs.  Here are a few.  
I have this ornament on my tree.   
You've seen this one-- it is now on my fireplace with the candles.   We want Joyful to have a Joy-Filled year next year.
 I found this sign when I was out shopping for the Bits.   Of course, I had to get it!
We think this Christmas will be her best ever!  


  1. This is how I'm going to say it.

    "Joyful thank you . Our Jesus loves us."

  2. It is so nice to see her doing better and improving .

    She is lucky to have a wonderful foster and people who care for and about her.

    I cannot say enough about the compassion and effort that Jeanne and her any fosters exhibit to help these wonderful little ones. Thank you all for giving these neglected little gems a second chance at a healthy and loving life.

  3. Joyful's circumstances and the resulting rescue by angels demonstrates how loving and caring people band together and show a tiny little dog that their life of misery has ended and a new life for them is beginning. Prayers were sent over and over in each step forward or setback she experienced.

    This is a positive experience in what has to be the sometimes heart-breaking stories that happen in a Fur Babies' world because of those rescued and those that some times don't get rescued in time.

    Thank God for people who care and go those extra miles to succeed.

  4. I was so happy to see little Joyful and she is looking better!
    I am praying she puts more weight on and those bones are getting stronger and stronger!
    So glad you got her in time Linda.
