Saturday, December 5, 2015


 You all know how much I love my grandbits.    I have five Bits and I just love them all.  Sugar Bit is precious.   Sugar Bit gave us a scare a few weeks ago and will still have more tests, but she is her smiley self.   I've never been around a baby this happy.
 Beach Bit is just a ham.   I take care of them when my daughter works and some days, they don't feel well.   So, I get to go to the doctor-- that's fine.  I'm glad I can help!
 Beach Bit had pnemonia and had to get xrays.   He had a little hospital gown on and was just a champ.
 But, he did let me know he was NOT happy to be there-- he wanted to be home.
 Once we got home, he had to rest-- and watch Godzilla.   He loves that movie!  
 Later, he took a drive with his dad and guess who could not stay awake!
 My dogs were all oblivious to all that was going on.   They just go with the flow.   Sweet Floyd was resting on the Christmas doggy bed-- a gift from Gracie's mom.
 Starlight was in her usual hidey place.
 Kai Kai was being mopey in his bed.
 Max was resting in the rocker.
Chumley jumped on the couch-- it's all in the day of Camp Runamuck.   We just never know what is going to happen here!


  1. I do hope Beach Bit is a lot better now and boy that Sugar Bit has a wonderfully wide infectious smile !!!!
    Your "Bits" are a delight :)

  2. Camp Runamuck is properly named. It sounds like a happy and contented bunch but behind that there's one very very busy lady.
