Tuesday, December 1, 2015


 After Thanksgiving, a lot of us are tired.   Thanksgiving is a big day, and all the chaos can make dogs tired!  Gus, above, fell asleep reading the paper!  (He is one smart Peke!)
 He visiited his friend Sawyer and they both look like they are ready for a nap.   (Me, too!)
 Sophie must have had a busy week-end because...
 She crashed on her mom's lap-- that's her favorite place to be.
 Bella considered going cyber shopping, but like her mom, she decided she would just hang out inside.   She looks very comfortable!
 We had extra dogs here for a week, and Floyd was tired.
 Max could not believe that Pi took his spot on the ottoman.   She loved it!   (I also caught her on the couch a lot, something she only does at my house haha.)
 Max ended up in one of the many dogs bed-- but he does love his ottoman.
 Kai Kai was fine in the dog bed.   He would rather sit next to me, but if I'm busy, he'll find a spot where he can watch me.
 Floyd moved-- this pink bed under the rocking chair is his favorite.
 Max must have told Pi to move, because she got on the big bed I had for her.  She is my granddog and such a good girl.   I'm trying to find a time I can slow down this week, but I don't think it will happen.   Life is busy, but fun!

1 comment:

  1. You know .... this must be how I look after Christmas lunch! LOL
