Tuesday, December 15, 2015


 Theo is Toni's foster dog--he is ready to be adopted.   He is a sweet boy and has come so far with her help.  He is about 6-7 years old we think.
 Abigail, Chester and Gary posed on the couch-- this could be a Christmas card.
 Is Theo a photo hog?   I think his face is so adorable!  The sweet look he gives makes me want to hug him.
 Cooper loves his girl-- Blond Bit loves him right back!
 Macaroon "Mac" did not want to be in the group shot, but here he is on his own.
 Abigail wanted her own picture-- she is so pretty.  She is now the only girl dog at Toni's.    Starlight can understand.   She loves being the princess.
Theo is hoping someone will want to give him a forever home soon.    Our adoptions go on hold during the holidays.  We have realized that most homes are too chaotic -- or "merry!"-- to introduce a new dog-- the dogs need to join a family when things are calm.   But, he would love to have a forever home after the holidays!   I hope he gets one.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I do hope Theo gets a new home for Christmas.

    I just love his face ....so sweet and yet, so sad.
