Thursday, January 21, 2016


 Albert came to us in November from a shelter.   He had been found in the roadway and a lady brought him inside and called animal control.
 Look at those eyes--- I think this is the picture that stole the hearts of the people who applied for him. (They adopted him before Christmas.)
 And look at him in the shelter-- pathetic!    His life is certainly different now!
 Al is older, but it took no time for him to be adopted.    I love people who will take these older ones and give them a home.    The seniors who come to us are so loving-- it seems they know when they are being helped and cared for and they appreciate it so much.
Albert "Al" is one of the lucky ones-- our rescue will take seniors.  Many rescues will not.   A life saved is a life saved.    And for Al, it meant the world.    Please adopt a senior!


  1. Yes .... please adopt a Senior .... I am a "Senior" and I am not "over the hill " yet!!! LOL

    What a cutie Albert is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kisses from Coco and me XXXX

  2. "A life saved is a life saved"...beautiful words by a wonderful person who adheres to that policy. Thank you.
