Monday, January 4, 2016


 Arby wanted to share her friends with me.   She was one of the Bristol 18 Pekes-- It's been 5 1/2 years since we did that rescue and Arby is now 13.   Her coat is now thick and beautiful.
 Raymond joined her family last year.   He is playing with a water bottle.  Why is it that we can buy so many toys and then.... they play with a bottle.    That's a Peke for you!
 Their parents decided to hold off getting any more dogs for awhile,  That was short lived.   These little girls needed help and they had fostered them  6 years ago.   (Once a foster mom, I guess always a foster mom.)
 Trini and her sister, Jokie, needed a safe place and Arby's home was it!
 These two immediately became comfortable there-- can you tell?
 Dog beds and people chairs are interchangeable.
 They are both so cute--
 Their mom, Peggy, said they are 0% Peke-- but that's just fine.  We love all dogs.
 Peggy saw my blog on making Christmas tree snow out of Ivory soap and immediately tried it on her tree.
Raymond approved and claimed a spot near the tree.  I think it was a fantastic Christmas for all of them!

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes ... Pekingese come in all colours and sizes ...... even if Vets and breeders do not call a dog "Pekingese" ..... we can !!! LOL
