Sunday, January 17, 2016


 My oldest daughter is having a birthday today.   She is 38-- wow, when did that happen.
 She has a huge heart and is one of the most giving people I know.  
 Bitty Bit is her youngest daughter-- she thinks she looks like me in this one.   I guess I do wear black and white stripes a lot haha.
 Bitty Bit and Lil Bit both take piano-- just like both my girls did.
 Drill Bit is all boy.
 Pi is their older  Shepherd Lab mix-- and she is the best dog ever.    (I know, I have a lot of Pekes, so this may sound like I'm a traitor, but Pi really is an incredible dog.  She's about 14 now.)
 Gigi always thinks she can fit into the Peke beds.
 When I come to the farm, it's so much fun-- this is a winter picture leading up the drive-way.   One of my favorites.
 I think this little guy is a great birthday gift-- should we wrap him up?
 Pi is ready to celebrate!
 So is Kai Kai--just look at the energy.
 Chumley loves his girl, Bitty Bit-- he is with her a lot when we visit.   I came to help my daughter who had surgery to fix a very broken wrist.   And it's her right/dominant hand.  Long recovery, but she is a trooper!
 Starlight has done incredible on this trip-- she has been super friendly-- they asked if I had started a new med for her-- haha.   Nope, she is just getting mellow in her old age.  (She is 11 now.)
 She decided she's sit with my son in law and was his best friend!    In fact, she has been nice the whole week-end!
 Chumley is his happy self--
 Always!    I should have named him Happy!
Happy Birthday from all of us to my sweet daughter!    I'm so blessed to be her mom!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Meghann!!

    I hope the hand is getting better every day :)
