Thursday, January 7, 2016


 Lu came to visit!!   He is SO cute!!  
 His mom and dad came and they are big Peke lovers!   James got right down to meet them all.
 He tried to assure Lu that he was fine, but Lu wasn't buying it.
 Lu had part of his tail amputated after a bite (could have been a brown recluse).    After a long time of antibiotics and treatment, part of his tail had to be removed so the infection would not go systemic.  His little tail is just fine and I'm sure he will grow hair back on it-- it's already started.
 Why is Dad behind me?  
 Lu is so photogenic!!   He is a big boy at about 19 pounds-- a big frame and just beautiful.
 Sugar Bit was there chatting away with them.   Paula made the little blanket that Sugar Bit has adopted as hers!  
 Maybe if I just sit here by my mom and dad, those other dogs won't notice me.
 Lu got on his mom's lap....
 and Floyd came over for a greeting.
 Then, he walked off to get into his bed.  Starlight even came over-- but not too close!
 Sugar Bit let James hold her a bit-- but looked to me for reassurance.
 Yes, you're fine.
 Chumley showed off his playing skills-- he brought James THE TOY (Chumley's only favorite toy) over and over and over and over..... You get the drift.    He wanted to play the entire time Lu was here.
Can we go home now?     I'm so glad you came to visit!


  1. Lu is a big boy and he reminds me of my first Pekingese I had a long time ago .... she was as big as Lu and ....what was her name??? Lulu !!! LOL

  2. Even though I only had him and his brother for 2 1/2 days, I fell in love immediately, especially with this boy. <3 So glad to see how wonderfully he is doing with his family!

    I simply have to come visit you again soon, as I've never met Floyd and I HAVE to meet Sugar Bit!! Oh, and it is a hoot to make Starlight growl at me, which I can do just by looking at her! lol
