Friday, January 15, 2016


I had an email the other day-- how to decorate your office.   So, I looked up offices-- and found this one.    Look at it-- not a dog toy in sight.   No child items, so bouncy seats, total order.    This is obviously NOT my office!   
 My desk is an old oak office desk.  I love it-- it's huge.    I have it strategically placed to try to be able to see what the grandbits and Pekes are up to.  My desk is NEVER neat.  It's has baskets of things to do, piles of papers, a dog toy or Sugar Bit "something."   There are containers of toys, child rockers..... Not your typical office.
 There is always at least one Pekingese in my office-- which is also part of the playroom, so I can keep an eye on my grandbits.   The carpets in these two rooms (connected) were my mom's and I love them.  
 There is plenty of room for dogs under my desk-- hiding from the Bits.
 Floyd is my little shadow.    I just looked under my desk and yes, he is there.
 Sugar Bit has a lot of her toys in here.    I had an extra "gate" in there since she was reaching through the black one to get dog toys.    Not a decorative item, but useful.
 There are little chairs in here, too-- and a little table for kids.    Sugar Bit thought teething on one would be fun.
 Sugar Bit has a huge basket full of toys-- that she spreads around the room.
 Chumley is usually in here, too.   But, now that Sugar Bit is getting around, I am limiting how many Pekes can be in here if I'm working at my desk.  
 Chumley likes to get on the couch (Robin gave me this-- love it!).  
And Starlight likes to hold court up there-- but most of the time, she is on the floor, playing with Sugar Bit, who she adores.    Yes, one day I may have a really nice office-- but I doubt it!


  1. You know Linda ...... I love your office better than that "fancy no dog or toys around" Office !!

    Ms Sugar Bit is getting bigger by the day!

    Oh that Starlight- this is hard for me to say but .... she is prettier than my Coco and Coco is the Rita Hayworth of Peke's!!!!

  2. When I looked at the first picture of the perfect office I thought "Oh dear I'll never match that but as the story grew my heart warmed because your office is much like my office with the clutter of the "in between" projects going on and 3 Furs plus Husband's half of the big long desk he made out of filing cabinets and counter top (my half is much much bigger than his half). And on the floor there's Bandit and Mercer Meyer and on Husband's "half" there's Queen Willow laying on the desk while Husband plays his computer games.

    There's no fine art on the walls because the walls hold pictures of our Pekes, calendars and hooks for jewelry items ready to be staged for photographs at the work table on the other side of the office. It's not a big office so it gets pretty crowded in here when all of us are gathered here.

    Thanks for a picture of the "dream" office but I doubt I'll ever have need of such a neat and orderly office.
