Tuesday, February 9, 2016


Millie was among 66 dogs who were saved in a cruelty case.     This is her shelter picture.
She had been bred over and over and had never known life in a loving home.
She is about 13, we were told, and she has limited sight and hearing.  
But, she is sweet.  
She seems to be looking right at the camera!
Jeanne had her temporarily and  was expecting a very rejected sick little dog but she is not.  She said, "She wags her tail a lot.  Her sight is terrible. I think she can be happy in short time.  She really eats great, too. I'm not sure how may teeth she has."
She is in a foster home now-- and her foster dad has a sense of humor!   Love it.
Millie is very sweet.
She is very interested in the other dogs in her foster home.   She has never been in  a home, so this is all new.   She will have to learn about living in a house.  She may have some accidents, but that is okay.
She and Lester and very cute together!   He is also one of our senior fosters.   They both deserve all the care and love they can be given.
I love the seniors-- and I think this is just the sweetest face!   Don't you!?

1 comment:

  1. Yes I love those seniors too and Millie Lee has lovely colouring .... I do love that grey fur in there! :)
