Wednesday, February 24, 2016


 Norton came back into rescue on Sunday due to his owner's health.
 I took him to the vet on Monday along with Floyd (who needed a heart recheck).
 Norton has a bad case of dry eye.   His owner had taken him to the vet, but they just stated "dry eye" and did nothing about it.   (They also said he couldn't have a badly needed dental "for medical reasons"-- and there are none!   We are going to do that for him.   And even though the owner said he was urinating a lot, the vet did not advise a urinalysis.    This is a large chain vet (in a pet supply store) and I never recommend them just because of things like this.   Norton clearly has had these issues-- teeth, eyes and bladder-- for some time and nothing was done.    Owners, you must be proactive.   If you see an issue, do not leave without it being addressed.   These large chain vets want to save money-- theirs-- if you are on their yearly plan.   You need to demand treatment.   Norton is paying the price.
 He now has three eye medications and we hope some vision can return.
 He is scheduled for a dental and that will take care of his mouth/teeth problems (severe tartar).
 He has a raging bladder infection so he is on antibiotics and a new food.   He will feel better in no time.
 He acted like he was giving up when I got him-- but he began to wag his little tail after he was with me 24 hours.   Oh, my heart!  Be still!!  (He is now with Sherry, and Joyful Grace!   You know he's going to get great care there!)
 Floyd was there, too, and had his heart checked.  It is not worse (he has a severe heart murmur).   He had on his blue sweater and green harness-- ready for any weather!
 He was so patient while we waited for Norton's test results.  Both  Norton and Floyd were great!
 Don't worry, Norton-- we're going to get you better.
 He is a fluffy ball of about 16 pounds.    His records say he is almost 9 years old, but since he was a stray 3 1/2 years ago, we really don't know his age.   He acts older, but he also does not feel good-- yet!   He will soon!
 Rest is good for him.   And a food to help him with his bladder issues-- one of mine is on it.  Royal Canin S.O.   They love it!
 And Floyd waits.    "Can we go home now?"
Let's go, guys!    We're done!   Thank you, Acredale Animal Hospital and Dr. Alex.  I love my vet!

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy these two are in great care now!
    Cavvies do get heart issues and Peke's do get eye issues but they are amongst Peke Angels now so ...... watch them grow!!!
