Thursday, February 4, 2016


Tucker was one of our rescues years ago and he came back into rescue due to his owner's health.    Here are some of his friends.
Beau, Tina (black one) and Domino at the front are some of his buddies.
Beau came from a shelter near me-- and he has the sweetest face!   (I remember one time when he was afraid of a storm, and he managed to go to the bathroom, jump on the toilet and sit in the sink. haha)  He can be a character!
Domino and his Dobie friend, Tori are color coordinated.   Tori has been there longer, so she is in charge-- she also thinks she is a Pekingese!   Do the Pekes think they are Dobies?   Probably!
Maggie and Tina are playing tug of war-- where's Tucker?  Maggie has been there longer than any of her current family.   Does that mean she is the queen?
Pop (formerly Lolli-Pop) is Beau's "sister"-- they came from the shelter at the same time.   They were found wandering together almost four years ago and found their forever home with Kay and Claretta.
Teddy was his moms' first rescue from PVPC-- he's a beauty!  He was about 2 when they adopted him.   Can that be almost 7 years ago already?    (I still remember getting their application and how wonderful they were!)
Tina has on a fancy coat!   A little Scottish flair there.   Remember her?   She was saved from a shelter near me with almost no hair and no chances of adoption.   Kay and Claretta fostered her and then adopted.   Her sweet personality brought life to the whole group.  
Tucker has joined their family since his adopter could no longer care for him.   He had been fed a vegetarian diet.   Even though people may choose for this type of diet, there can be serious problems when giving it to a dog.   (I'm not trying to offend my vegetarian friends.)   In the article I included here, the author said that a vegetarian diet can be "grossly deficient where dogs and cats are concerned."   Make sure your vet knows you are doing this to determine that all your dog needs he/she is getting.
When Tucker came back to rescue to live out his life,  he was at one point, on death's door.  His bloodwork was horrible, he was in serious condition.   Kay and Claretta did all they could, and he rallied and now his bloodwork is so much better.    Look at him now!     We thought he was 5-6 when he came to us in 2006, so he must be 15 to 16 years old now.   With the care he now has, he is thriving!.    He came to a forever home now that is filled with rescued dogs-- what better place could he be!  Their moms said, "This group has rescued each other and care for each other and we're just the lucky ones who get to enjoy it all.

1 comment:

  1. Oh he is just beautiful !

    You know that last photo of Tucker ?
    That photo should be in a sliver frame.... so cute and loveable !!!!!
