Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Sometimes, I do a blog that is more about my family than Pekingese.   This is one of them.   We had a glorious 5 days with family here.   Kai Kai was wondering how many were here.   He had cataract surgery one of the days they were here.   (I did a blog on Sunday on him, and will do another soon.)
Sugar Bit was just happy-- as she usually is.  
 The swing was in use often.  All the Bits love it!  
 There was tree climbing.
 Sugar Bits bottomless, rolling playpen became a toy for her brother and cousin-- Beach Bit and Drill Bit.
These two cousins love each other and have so much fun together!  I hope they will always be good friends. 
 Starlight loved having all the extra attention.
 And she shared secrets with her Bits.
 Sugar Bit played with Gigi--
 She loves all the dogs!  (And yes, she is a baby, almost a toddler, and we do supervise carefully around all the dogs.)
 She even wanted to sample their water.  Does it taste different?
 She spent time with Pi.  
 Pi is 14 or 15 years old now.  She is a Shepherd Lab mix who adores her children.   Pi has been a Nanny dog to them all their lives.  She is getting older, but we hope she stays with us a long time.
 The playhouse was in use.
 The swing was not just a swing, but also a spinner!
 We went to the beach and it was warm and fun and sunny.  We have a beach we go to that isn't crowded-- a little hidden gem.
 We found shells.
 We went up and down the beach.
 The Bits were only supposed to get their feet wet (we were going to the movie to see Zootopia later), but...
 They accidentally got wet!   Sure they did. haha
 My daughter took a selfie of us.    We had so much fun and peace settled in.
 Now that they were 2/3 wet, getting in the sand was a good option.  I love all that sand in my van.  Of course, I do.
 Lil Bit is almost a teen-ager -- she just loved walking and enjoying herself.    The Pekes, the grandbits, family-- it was a fun and busy week.
Starlight took time to observe from a safe place-- where no Bits, bikes, or dogs could run over her.    Everyone needs that kind of place.   She kept everything under control--that's our Starlight!   


  1. What a lovely family week you had Linda ..... lots of Bits and Dogs !I see spring is coming your way.
    Autumn leaves here!

  2. What a great week and even better thank you for sharing it with the rest of us. I love Camp Runamuck stories as much as I love your Pekingese stories.
