Saturday, April 30, 2016


 Daisy came into rescue with her sister, Roxy.  Roxy was adopted and now Daisy is being adopted!  Daisy is about 12 years old and her new mom wanted to adopt another senior.   I love that!!
 Daisy came into rescue last July.  She and her sister were in terrible shape and needed help.  
 Daisy was HUGE when she came into rescue, but she has been able to slim down a lot.  Sherry, her foster mom, did a wonderful job with her.
 She met my Max.   He's very good with visitors-- all of mine are good with those coming to spend the night or a few days.  
 Daisy met Floyd next-- Floyd is such a sweet one.   He just wanted to welcome her.
 Daisy wandered off toward the Pekingese pathway-- I need to re-do it this summer.    All the stones need to be reset, but the Pekes don't mind.
 Floyd followed Daisy to see where she was going.
 Hello, Floyd!
 Max posed, too.   Can you see all the oak pollen that has been dropping everywhere!
 Floyd and Chumley were wandering together.  Sometimes, I have to take a double-look.
 Daisy met all the dogs and kept wagging her tail.   She is so sweet!
You meet your new mom today at the PVPC picnic!    Yahoo!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Miss Daisy you are a beauty!

    Love a senior too Linda ......... How I wish I was at the picnic !!!!
