Friday, April 22, 2016


 Sugar Bit is a year old today.  I've shared her adventures with you on this blog.
 She is into climbing big time-- and standing on chairs.   Be calm, be calm!
She gives me her squinty grin a lot.   She loves stairs-- but we don't love her ON the stairs.
 She was a little one when she was born-- a blessing we never expected.
 Madeline loved Sugar Bit when Madeline was my foster dog.  We have seen her since then, and Sugar Bit still loves her.  
 Starlight adores her baby.  
 Sugar Bit has "hair days."  
 Sometimes, it is just all over!  How in the world did you do this?
 She has been around our dogs and her dogs from the time she was born.
 They say having dogs makes you healthier-- so she must be incredibly healthy!
 Her dogs, Pandy (adopted from us) and Leo the Lab, are at her house across the street.
 I had to have two bouncy seats for her and Starlight.
 Starlight made sure she had a lot of kisses!
 Gigi (my granddog) and Starlight are hoping Sugar Bit will drop things for them-- they do not usually have to wait long.
 Pi, my granddog is almost 15, and she is the Nanny dog to all the kids.  Best dog in the world.   I hope we have her for years!
 Floyd has put up with the baby-- she loves to "hug" him.   Floyd doesn't have many teeth, so he is pretty safe. :-)
Happy Birthday, Sugar Bit.   We are so glad God sent you to us!!   We love you!


  1. A VERY Happy Birthday to Miss Sugar Bit !!!!
    from your Aussie friends -
    Melinda and Coco XXXXXX

  2. Oh my gosh, she's a year old already! Boy, does time fly. Happy Birthday to the darling girl!! Best wishes from me and Ted and Grace
