Monday, May 9, 2016


 I love the pictures of the Pekes I take or receive from people.  It shows that Mom's Day for Peke parents is everyday!   Ricky was my foster boy in 2004-- love him and he lives close by so I'll get to visit with him this week!  His mom, Carolyn, is coming over for coffee.
 I love this picture of my Kai Kai taken at the picnic.    He's fine as long as I am close.   He is a timid boy, even more so as he fights to regain some sight.   Thank you to all who are praying for this sweet boy.
 Bink's mom, Anna, sent me this picture in her Mother's Day greeting.  
 Gus, in New York, is loved by many of us.  He adapted quickly to being a New York Peke.
 Diva Pearl put on her special hat to celebrate Mother's Day.   She is so tiny and beautiful.
 Yoda, who now lives in North Carolina, sent me kisses in an email.    (His mom adores Floyd, too, so he sends her kisses back.)
 Piggy and Sebastian had a wonderful Mother's Day.    I love the flowers.
 Pandy is my daughter's Peke mix.   She is OLD-- probably at least 16 now, but like the energizer bunny, she keeps going.  She was my foster in 2004.   Can it be that long ago!   She and Ricky were here at the same time.  She lives with Beach Bit and Sugar Bit, and she's not very patient, so she has her own space if they are up.  
 I love this picture of Nicky-- I used another one in the picnic blog, but this one cracks me up-- sunglasses and the pink car seat.
 Maggie was my foster girl in 2008-- hard to believe it's been 8 years!   She is 13 now, and looks SO wonderful!  Her brother, Max, is one of my dogs now. :-)     Maggie was so sweet and Max can be grumpy haha.
 Sampson belongs to Lucinda and Roger--he's a tiny thing with a big spirit.  
 Here is Piggy again with Lara, his "sister."  Lara adores her Pekes!
 Abner was my foster 3 years ago.   He has a job of being a therapy dog in an airport, a nursing home, hospitals and even a university-- there is nothing like a Peke to cheer up students facing finals!
Joyful wished her foster mom, Sherry, a happy Mom's Day.    I'll be doing a blog on her family this week.   I hope Mother's Day was wonderful for all of you!

1 comment:

  1. We had a wonderful Mothers Day and I see many did too!
