Wednesday, May 4, 2016


 Nicky came to the picnic and was dressed up as a cowboy.
 He is an older boy and Robin just adopted him last year.    (I know I say I love the seniors, but really, I love the older ones and am so thrilled when one is adopted!)
 Nicky is so sweet and a good sport.   I think he is licking the crumbs of the treats off his mouth.  (Lucinda keeps treats on hand when Roger is taking the pictures.)
 He was so good,  but....
 Then, he was ready to get down!  
 And what did we do-- put him on something else!   His mom bid on the car seat.  
 We know it's pink, but it works great!!   And Nicky doesn't mind.
 His mom put on his sunglasses and he was ready to go home.
 We both left at the same time so I was able to see how high up he was and Nicky could see the world!
 Robin stopped to pick up the sign...
And then she was off-- another wonderful Pekingese picnic.   Thank you to all of you who came!  What a great group of friends we have!


  1. Linda ... Oh my goodness .... Coco is telling me Nicky might be on her "Yummy list" too !!

  2. Our family loves the Peke-nic and looks forward to it every year! We loved seeing KaiKai and we are keeping him in our hearts as he faces the challenge of his lost vision. But we know that he is so very loved, that he will adapt to his new situation. SuzyQ is very annoyed with me that I did not bid on the car seat LOL!! "What's wrong with you mom? You know how much I LOVE pink fluffy beds!!" Oops, looks like I am in trouble - but we know that Nicky loves his new seat and we are thrilled for him. Thanks to everyone - Linda, Jeanne, Robin, Lucinda, Roger, Matt and all others who worked so hard to put this great event together! Love from Anna, Tom, Willy Wonton, SuzyQ and Bink
