Monday, June 27, 2016


 Pandy is just not sure where her mom went.   Pandy is my daughter's Peke mix-- adopted from us.
 Sugar Bit is fine as long as one of her people is near by.   But,her Mama left the country!
 Their newly adopted Callie is probably going to spend time at our house.   She is a Mama's girl for sure.
 My daughter wasn't happy about leaving her kids-- but she had the opportunity to teach a class at Oxford University in England and was so excited.  I wanted to go, too!!   I love it over there.   I get the Bits. :-)  I'll be busy, too!  (It's just a two week class.)
 Leo their lab will spend time in both houses (they just live across the street, so it's easy to go back and forth).
 Oxford is beautiful.  
 Molly will teach and also sightsee.   I told her to take LOTS of pictures.
 Sugar Bit will be fine.   She is used to being in both houses and all the Bits have bedrooms (and cribs) here, too.
 Poppy (Matt) will be making more fun breakfasts and Beach Bit will help.
 Kai Kai will just hang out.
 The porch will be in full use and the swing will have a lot of activity.
Sugar Bit will be into the water bowls a lot-- I'm resigned to that.  Oh well.  We'll have fun.   If you don't see me on line as much, it will be because of a LOT going on here with dogs, and Bits.   I may need help! :-)

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful opportunity for your daughter and the kids love to stay at Grandma's and Grandpa's! Oh .... Doggies too :)
    Oh yes .... lots of photos please !

    *Linda ... we are having a very cold winter here :(
