Saturday, June 11, 2016


 Yesterday was a day, so I won't do a blog today.  Why?   Kai Kai has lost his vision, so we are back to going to the ophthalmologist several times a week.   I think we will be looking at eventually removing his eyes.  After 3 surgeries, and amazing vets, it doesn't seem his sight will return.  
 Chumley was doing fine-- he doesn't mind the chaos at all.   Max on the other hand was SO glad when I brought Kai Kai back home.  I had no idea that Max loved Kai Kai so much.
 At the end of the day, we had 12 on the porch-- big, little, loud, quiet.   The men did hamburgers and fries for all of us.  Thank you!   The boy bits found new way to use a wagon on the hill in the yard.
 They pushed, climbed in and took off!   It brought laughter after a rough day.
 They even ran into the tree once, and thought that was hysterically funny.
 "Let's aim for the balls!"
 They were so proud of themselves.
 Sugar Bit got to swing.
 Lil Bit-- who is not little now-- vegged out on the porch with us.
 After my oldest spent the day in the emergency room, she is home, on meds and relaxing.  We told her to sit, but ... well, you know we moms have a hard time doing that.
 We all sat together, ate dinner, watched children in wagons, babies in swings, dogs under chairs.
 We are a family-- dogs, kids, sisters, brothers.   We love each other.  (My sister spent the day with my daughter in the E.R. since I was doing the vet trips, kid watching and general "going crazy.")
And Floyd was so happy at the end of the day.  He curled up under my chair and went to sleep.  Thank you to all who prayed us through the day!  (And that's why there was no blog today. :-) )

1 comment:

  1. Now I do call that a Blog! :)

    I am so glad to read your daughter came home from the hospital and I am so sad for Kai Linda!
