Friday, July 29, 2016


I had to add this beautiful comment that Chris made:  I like to think Fluffy carried her last days into her transition, knowing that her best life had finally been within her reach, however briefly. What a comfort to her little soul that must have been. Her rescue and foster families gave her the peace she needed at the end. That is a gift beyond compare. Thank you.
 Fluffy came to us from a Maryland shelter.   She was a stray and she had been found walking in circles.   She was matted and dirty.  
 We knew she was blind, but found out she had probably never had sight.  Her eyes were not fully formed.   But, she was also deaf, and even though it seems she is smiling here, she was not comfortable.    She had a neurological issue and it was so sad to see.
She was cleaned, and shaved down, and we hoped she would show some sign of having a quality life.    It wasn't to be.   She must have had some kind of brain issue, and had no bladder or bowel control.    She was cared for and hand-fed, hand led to water, but it became clear that there was not going to be a good life in front of her.   With much sadness and while being held and petted, she was let go.   I wish rescue could fix everything-- but we can't.   We don't know how long she was like this, but she was loved at the end, and sometimes, that is all we can do.   We are so sorry, little Fluffy.   Run free now, sweet one.  We loved you.


  1. Oh this is sad.
    I am so glad you got her Linda and she was loved for a while and she was with kind people who were with her till the end.
    Run free Ms Fluffy.

  2. That is so sad, because I already loved Fluffy from hearing her story. She was wanted, petted and made to feel special by the special people who tried to give her a new life. She has crossed the Rainbow Bridge and is a happy little doggie now. She was beautiful and we won't forget her.
