Monday, July 11, 2016


 I stayed off my computer for most of the last two days (I did check things using my phone-- can't be totally unaware).   And while I was off, two Pekes came into rescue.   Thank you, Jeanne, Ida, Kay and Claretta!!   You guys rock!
 This is sweet Koala.   I love the coloring.  We were told it was a girl.  
 WELL, guess what-- it's a boy!   HMM, I know I could have figured that out at the shelter.  But, they are busy, and we are just glad they contacted us.
 He'll be going to his foster home soon, but for now, he's hanging out with Allie Marie, Jasper, and Butterscotch.
 We were also asked to take this little guy-- oh, his face reminds me of my Scooter and I wanted him!  But, with all I'm doing, I can't take another foster.   Hope I get to meet him.
 He is 2 1/2 (we got his papers).   He was a breeder's stud dog-- so a new life is really beginning for him.
He's sitting on his foster mom's lap-- he's confused, but he's going to realize life is going to be so good.   Welcome to rescue, Koala and Franklin!!

1 comment:

  1. Well .... of course I Love Koala!!!! LOL

    Little Franklin is so sweet ..... I wish them BOTH a wonderful new start to life!!!!

    Doing my Adoption Dance right now Linda :)
