Sunday, August 21, 2016


 Chumley has been with me almost two years.   He came as a happy dog who has severe skin issues and almost no hair.   I finally scheduled him for a hair cut this week because he has SO much hair!
 He's playful, good with the grandbits, full of joy-- but he can't seem to make it into his dog bed!   This is normal.
 Allie Marie seems to have the same problem-- move over, Taz!
 Even Callie, who is almost 50 pounds, can curl up and make it fully into the dog bed.   Not Chumley!
Kai Kai, who has no eyes, can fit into the dog bed-- come on Chumley!  You can do it!
I guess being around dogs her whole life-- almost 16 months!-- has taught Sugar Bit a thing or two.  Like how to completely over shoot the dog bed!   It must be contagious!

1 comment:

  1. After reading this ..... I feel like I want to go to sleep in Coco's bed too! LOL
