Friday, August 12, 2016


Amelia and Magnolia had a visitor-- her name is Leeloo.
Amelia says, "Why do you have my ball?"  (Oh, I love this face!)
Magnolia is happy on the ottoman chewing a snack.  
That little tennis ball must be tasty!
She even fits under the table.   Leeloo is a tiny one!
Magnolia is observing, but she doesn't care about the ball.
Amelia seems to be checking Leeloo out.   Where the ball?
Oh, no!  It's under the couch.  I know who got it-- Fiona!  Moms are good for that!
Here you go!
Oh, my, Leeloo looks like a puppy, but she's full grown!  She weighs about 7 pounds.  Yes, Magnolia, we think you are beautiful, too, just like Amelia.
Would you like to try this one?
After Leeloo went home, Amelia crashed.
Then, they snuggled together.
 That can get hot, so Magnolia aired herself out a bit.
Not Amelia-- she went into hiding.   Sometimes, having visitors can make you want to do that!


  1. As Benjamin Franklin said .... " Guests, like fish begin to smell after 3 days" ... or - maybe 3 hours in Pekingese time!!! LOL

    I bet they ALL had a wonderful time together :)
