Tuesday, August 30, 2016


 I have known Jeanne for almost 9 years-- she applied to foster for us and we became "unlikely friends."   (She wasn't too sure of me at first, haha.)
 Jeanne has a tremendous heart for rescue, and has been instrumental in saving so many.  
 Albert is one she saved.  He sent her this message:  "Dear Miss Jeanne, I was once all alone in the world, scared, hurting and hungry. You took me in and loved me, made sure I got medical care and today, because of you, I have a furever home and a family who loves me so much. We are praying for you and sending you all our love, sincerely, Albert"
 Oscar and his mom are praying for you!
 One of Jeanne's favorite little men (my grandson, Drill Bit) loves Jeanne and I know his family is praying, too.
 Digger/now Granger was another Jeanne rescued and he now lives with my daughter and her family.
 I know Jeanne's pack misses her so much.  
 I know once she is home, they will be there to encourage her.
 Peggy thanks Jeanne for saving her and finding her a new home.
 Sadie and Evie are still waiting for their forever home-- and Jeanne was instrumental in helping them get to safety in rescue.
Waddles says, "Hurry up and get well!"   Jeanne was diagnosed with lung cancer yesterday and is in the hospital for tests and biopsies.   We are all praying for Jeanne-- we hope she knows how many care for her and are standing by her.   She is the heart of our rescue.


  1. Oh Linda ..... I am sending such Great Prayers for Jeanne!!
    What a wonderful lady she is!!!!!!!!

  2. I'm just so devastated and wish someone would post her Jeanne's page to let her FB friends know how she is doing. Been worried sick about her and praying all night - hoping God will protect her. She's got so many friends and such an important mission in life.... she simply has to get better!!!

  3. Sending prayers and sloppy peke kisses!

  4. Prayers and healing thoughts to such an angel in our reduce community.

  5. Sending much love to Jeanne -- she has done so very much to save so many!! <3 <3 <3

  6. Praying that you will recover from this real quick. I pray for God to give you the strength and endurance to give this monster a good kicking in the butt. God bless you my friend! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️

  7. Prayers for you jeanne.so many pekes saved by you a guardian angel is right beside you to help you overcome this.prayers going up

  8. You have my prayers lady!! But I know your work is not done here on earth so God will take care of you well!!! You got this!! You will be kicking butt and taking names again soon!! Until then, we love you!!!

  9. My prayers and thoughts are with you all. When I heard she had been admitted I knew something else was happening. I went through this exact scene nearly 20 yrs ago with my mom. I know that only God knows how this will play out, but with the power of the pekes and her friends our prayers have to help him decide what is best for her. Dear Lord please guide all of us as we come together to support Jeanne and her family at this time.

  10. Please let me know if you need any help as I mentioned. You are in my thought and in many other's. You've got a lot of people and doggies pulling for you.

  11. Prayers for you Jeanne... Pekes and all of us need guardian angels like you here in this world... So come on, you are a fighter... Hugs

  12. Prayers for you Jeanne... Pekes and all of us need guardian angels like you here in this world... So come on, you are a fighter... Hugs

  13. Prayer for going out to you.
    From me and my rescue, Sushi.

  14. Oh such sad news. I will be thinking about her.

  15. Sending prayers to you from our family including our Potomac Peke rescue Oluve. The angels have to be watching over such an angel!
