Friday, September 30, 2016


 Is there a Peke meeting at our house??  (Amelia is now a member of the pirate club-- just one eye now.  But, she's still the cutest thing!)
 Amelia heard, too.   We do a lot of our meetings at Fiona's in Richmond.   We love to go to her home-- It a wonderful place to just relax there, have fun, eat, sip coffee or tea and discuss how we can keep our rescue group vibrant.  
 Our next meeting is October 15 at noon.   We hope to be "on target" and discuss a lot, including fundraising.   Jeanne has been our main fundraiser for some time.   As most of you know, Jeanne has been diagnosed with cancer and is having chemo and radiation.   Right now, she needs to concentrate on getting healthy.   (But,  I really hope she can come to the meeting for a little bit so we can give her a hug!)
 I hear there will be chili and hot dogs, sweet things and soft drinks, tea and coffee.  If you want to bring something, just let us know so we don't have duplicates.  
 I know Amelia and Magnolia hope something is there for them to eat, too.  
Our "Peke-Tober-Fest" will be fun!   If you are a member of our club, you should have received your email on it.   If you are not a member, and live in our area (Richmond, VA), email me at for more information.  
For those who are not club members, this letter just went out.
"We have had a busy year with rescue.   We have 23 fosters right now.  Some are on medical hold due to age or medical issues, but most are available for adoption.  We have various ages and even have a beautiful, sweet mom/daughter pair (Sadie and Evie). 
As many of you know, Jeanne is our main worker/volunteer.  She has done extensive transport, vetting, fundraising and many short and long term fostering.   Jeanne was recently diagnosed with cancer.   She is having chemotherapy and radiation and determined to fight this.   Right now, we are rallying around her to help all we can.   We are trying to find new ways to raise money to continue to take care of the ones we have in our care.  
Ida Dailey, has adopted from us  and fostered for us, and she has come up with some fundraisers.   One is with Yankee Candle.    Here is what Ida wrote to promote this fundraise:
"Our Yankee Candle fundraiser campaign for Potomac Valley Pekingese Rescue has begun! It is the beginning of Fall and we are heading into the holiday season! What is better than lighting a wonderful scented candle or decorating with beautiful autumn/holiday decorations? There are many delightful items for sale in the Fall/Holiday catalog! The best part is that 40% of all sales will go directly to the Rescue so we can continue the hard work of saving lives and providing new beginnings.
The web site is located at, enter group number 990103300 under start shopping and click enter! Shop away and shop often! The campaign ends Dec 31, 2016! All orders will be mailed directly to your home. If you spend more than $100, shipping is free! If you have any further questions please email me at! Please share on your Facebook and ask all your friends & family to participate!
Ida Dailey for Potomac Valley Pekingese Rescue"
Our October meeting is coming up on October 15 at Fiona Ross' house in Richmond.   An email was just sent out about that meeting, but you can download the information again if don't have it.  We hope to have a good turn-out and we plan to have fun, too!   We are always looking for people who have a heart for rescue, and want to volunteer to help. 
If you have any ideas for fundraisers and if you would like to help, please email Ida at   We want to keep saving Pekingese-- there are so many in need.
Linda Maxwell/President
Potomac Valley Pekingese Club 

1 comment:

  1. Please give all my best to Jeanne and I hope you have a wonderful Peke meeting - wish I could come :(
