Monday, September 5, 2016


Gus was one of Jeanne's foster dogs.   She brought him from a horrible state to one of beauty.  Of course, we thought he had a beautiful nature already.
 Magnolia believes in miracles!   She met a deer face to face-- now how often does that happen!
 Bradley loves Jeanne, too.   She was instrumental in his safe arrival.   (I think he wants to be "potty trained.")
 Coltrane loves Jeanne, too.
 Leigh's pack says, get better!
 Dinky and Buffy are on the support team, too.
 Daisy and her dad have done so much for PVPC and they want to keep doing it for Jeanne and all she does.
 Colby is Carter's twin brother-- and Carter is Jeanne's boy.   So, Colby feels very close to Jeanne.
 Fred Leaf and his friends love Jeanne so much!!
 Denise' pups are cheering her on.
 Jammer has been a fan of our rescue and he knows how much Jeanne has done.
 So, remember.   Even though we sometimes look at things happening and wonder how they will be better-- how they will be okay--- we are looking at the invisible side of the picture.
We just have to believe!   Jeanne, we are there for you!!


  1. We are thinking of you too in Australia .

  2. Sending love and prayers from Colorado!

  3. Love, Prayer and Support for Jeanne !

  4. We all love you, Jeanne!! Praying hard for you!

    Love, Irish & Shawn (Humans) and Jammer & Styles (Pekes)
