Wednesday, October 26, 2016


 If you have followed my blog for awhile, you may remember Elvis from 2011.
 He came to us as a very sick dog-- he had a mass in his stomach, so we didn't think he would make it.   Surgery was performed and a 1.3 pound mass of hair, metal and grass/weeds was pulled from his stomach.   He was eating anything he could to survive.   He was safe once we got him.
 He wasn't a young boy, but he was full of love and we loved watching him thrive.  
 His story captured the heart of a couple who lived near me, and I had the pleasure of doing their home check.   I just loved them!   It feels so good to get an application that is wonderful, full of information and the home check proves what a great home it will be.  
 He was adopted and went on to live five years full of love with them.  
His mom and dad were so grateful to have him for the time he was there.   They will truly miss him.    Our hearts are with them, as they live without their sweet boy.   Run free now, Elvis!!  You were loved by many.


  1. Thank you Linda for the tribute. We loved him everyday that he was with us. He will truly be missed. We are so thankful for the care he received before he came to live with us, and are so grateful to have found him.

    Brett & Jody Bradshaw

  2. Beautiful Linda. Such a heartwarming story and a loved peke. Elvis has left the building but not our hearts.

  3. Sweet sweet Elvis. Boy, was he a little angel straight from heaven. Sure do miss that sweet face. I will picture him running around in heaven with all of his new friends while watching over all who loved him dearly on earth. :) Theresa

  4. Big hugs to Brett and Jody for the loss of dear Elvis.
    He had a very bad start in life but for his last 5 years ( and that is a lot of years in dog life when you think about it) he had Tons of love and super care!
