Saturday, November 5, 2016


 Cosi is one of Beth's Pekes.  Beth is on our PVPC board and she has four that she has adopted from us.  (Her beloved Wylie died this year, but he has participated in the past.)
Melinda, in Australia sent me a picture of her girl, Coco.  She's a beautiful little girl!
 Beth's Missy, Cosi, Lily, and Ted-- lined up and ready.   I wonder if they greeted the trick or treaters like this.
 Liliang Xin "Lily" was treated for heartworms when she came into rescue.  Her name means Strong Heart which Beth thought was a good choice for her.  Plus, she's a little beauty!
 Missy-- I remember when Missy came into rescue.   Her ears were fringed with pink.   We tried, but could never find her owner.   She sure loves her mom and dad now!
 Ted is adorable!  I love his hat.   And his kerchief!  
Ted can have a lot of names depending on his mood-- he can be Ted, Teddy, Teddy Bear, Theodore, Theodorable (I love this one!) or Theodiablo!   Whatever you call him, he sure is cute!!


  1. Pekingese all look good in the colour orange!!! LOL

  2. adorable little angels, please share some photos about your crew on precious pet parents. We love to show off
