Tuesday, November 8, 2016


 When you have done rescue awhile, you see things that others may not.  
 Coming home from the vet with Kai Kai (and Beach Bit and Sugar Bit), I saw this little Pug.
 He was walking along near the road and I saw no one with him.
 So, of course, I pulled over.   He was friendly and had no collar on.   I put him in my car and asked someone if they knew who had a Pug.   They didn't know of anyone.
 I brought him home, put a harness on him and let him in the yard.  He was friendly and Floyd was mesmerized by him.
 He wasn't a young Pug, looked a little "gimpy" (arthritis), but very sweet.   And Floyd followed him.
 I have a microchip scanner and he had a chip!   I called it in and was told his name was Ping and they were contacting the owners.
Ping is now back home-- but we enjoyed his visit.  Especially Floyd!


  1. So happy that this little pug found his family! Good Ending Linda!!!

  2. Another rescue but in a different way. Thank you Linda!
