Wednesday, November 23, 2016


 Tucker is an older boy now, but he still has some spunk.   We weren't to sure we he came back into rescue (his owner was no longer able to care for him), but he sure fooled us all.
 He has quite a wonderful family.   Teddy and Domino were both adopted from us.
 Tina was a foster, and not really a Peke.  But, oh, so sweet and what a personality!!
 Teddy was able to go on vacation-- to the beach!
 Maggie has had some heart problems, so she went to a specialty clinic.   Isn't she beautiful!
 Pop and Bear were with me and then went to Tucker's house for fostering-- they stayed!
 Gizmo's mom (Jackie fosters for us) was making some blankets to share with our foster dogs and Gizmo was checking it out.
 He completely approved.   He checks them out before they are sent I think.
 Tucker received one of them!!   Wow, he loves it!!  
 Tori, their Doberman probably wants to try it out, too.   I don't think it will be big enough though.
Tucker and all his friends hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving Day to you all from Coco and I.

    I just love Tuckers colouring ... those flashes of white/grey are just beautiful !

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to all in rescue. I am grateful for you.
