Tuesday, December 6, 2016


 Bentley came into rescue with his brother, Bradley.   They did not need to stay together-- in fact, Bradley was a little bossy with his timid brother, so they were in separate foster homes.  
 He was briefly at Robin's house and he showed he can leap tall buildings-- or tables-- in a single bound!
 Bentley is so sweet!   He just wanted to be loved and cared for.
 He was at my house, visiting, when I took these pictures.   He's a beautiful boy.
 We had an application near me, and he went to visit.  It's a lovely home, and there are three adults home most of the time!   They fell in love with Bentley!    He will have all the attention he could ever want!
We're so happy you have your forever home now.   You have so much love  to give!

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