Thursday, December 15, 2016


 Bumbles came into rescue about three weeks ago.  He was going to his new home last week, but that was delayed when Bumbles had some kind of bite on his eye lid.
 He is doing much better now and will go to his new home after Christmas---
 He loves Floyd-- and he follows Floyd all over.
 Except when he's dreaming of sugar plums and Santa's visit.
 Come on, Floyd, let's go for a walk.
 They check out the Christmas tree.
 Bumbles is content (sometimes) to just watch Floyd nap.
 Bumbles came upstairs last night (a first!  He's never done the stairs, so we were surprised when he showed up in our room!).   He wanted to be near everyone.  He has a nice soft bed downstairs, but I guess he wanted to find Floyd-- and us.
 When we go outside, Bumbles follows Floyd around the yard.   I think he'll do this at his new home, picking a dog who is his favorite.
 They sniff out things together...
 Floyd can't hear, so I'm not sure he is aware that Bumbles is there.  
I am able to love on Bumbles for a few more weeks before he joins his new family.   People ask, "how can you give them up?"   If foster moms/dads give them up to be adopted, they can help another.  That's why and how we give them up-- to free up a space for another in need.   And we have the chance to love SO many!   It's wonderful!   I'll miss Bumbles, but I know where he is going, that he will have a lot of love and that I'll hear all about him!   I love Bumbles!

1 comment:

  1. I am in love with Mr Bumbles too!!!!

    I want Him ..... I have been very GOOD Santa!!!!! :)
