Tuesday, December 13, 2016


 It's that time of year (pun intended with the clock!).  
 Christmas is all around my house-- I bring out the Christmas ribbons and quilt pieces (from Eve).  
 My Christmas star (also made by Eve) and snowmen come out-- ribbons, trees, decorations.  I'm all about Christmas!
 Last year, I got my gang up on the couch together.   I'm going to attempt it again this year and include Bumbles.   We'll see how that goes.
 Maggie and Triple had on their Christmas attire.
 And they went to see Santa!
 My friend, Donna, has five-- she makes all their outfits!   They are all dressed up for Christmas.
 Bradley is in his new home and he posed below the tree.
 Sugar went to see Santa-- she looks like a little reindeer!
 Paddy and Lexie look so cute!
 Potomac Valley Louie rests below his Christmas tree.  Like my Kai Kai, Louie has no eyes.   He had an accident before he was a year old and came to our rescue for help.   He lives the best life with his mom now!
Starlight wants everyone to send Christmas pictures in.   You can post them in a comment on the facebook posting of this blog.   I want to see how many Christmas dogs we can have.   I love this time of year, so let's all send pictures of their Christmas dogs!!  (You can also tag me on your own posting and I'll try to see them all.)
Linda Maxwell/blogger

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