Thursday, December 1, 2016


MORE PEKES -- UM, I MEAN THEIR OWNERS-- ARE DONATING!   YAHOO!!!   PLEASE GO TO THE BOTTOM, OR THE TOP, OR IN-BETWEEN TO SEE NEW PICTURES. :-)  (I'm never sure where the pictures are going to end up when I add them!)

Lexi's Kasper is dreaming of all the good things that are happening to the foster Pekes in our care-- good food, vet care, safety, soft beds, people who love them.  Thank you for helping us do that!
 Ollie and Buffy were both adopted from us.  Their mom, Joy, has an incredible Christmas house each year-- every room is decorated and one tree has just "Joy" ornaments on it.   Ollie and Buffy wanted to send in a donation to help the Pekes we have in foster care.  They both know it's great to be in our rescue, and even better to be adopted!
 Patricia's BooBoo and...
Buffalo Bob wanted to help our foster Pekes also.   Thank you boys!!!
Coco sent a donation all the way from Australia!!   Thank you, Melinda!   You have become such a great friend!
 Mulan was a Peke we helped-- she was with a Dachshund Rescue person, and they all wanted to send a donation to help our new Pekes.  Thank you, Roxanne!!
Theo Davis, Toni's boy, also wanted to donate to help others like him.  Thank you, sweet boy!  Your mom is the best!
 Gracie Lu came to me after her mom died in 2008.   Jane fostered her and then adopted her and Gracie had a wonderful life.  She passed away last year, but she lives on in the love her mom had for her.   Jane made a donation in her memory and in Joyful Grace's memory.   I'm sure they are both playing in heaven now!  Joyful below, probably still has a lot of outfits there!
 If you make a donation of any amount this month or/and next month, and send me a picture of your dog/dogs, I'll post their picture on this blog, which will be reposted every few days as new pictures/donations come in.   I hope it ends up being a really long blog!   You can make a donation in memory of one of your beloved Pekes, or for one that you have now.   It can be to honor someone you love.   Once you make a donation, send me a picture/name of your pet to   We want to end this year with JOY!
 My crew wanted to make a donation in memory of Joyful Grace.   Kai Kai and Chumley are both PVPC alumni (they all are!) and they want to help.
Whoops, that's not a Peke, but she loves the Pekes here.
Floyd wants the end of the year donations to come on in.
Starlight, the Princess, thinks her cuteness might help.
Max doesn't care either way haha.
Tucker's family is making a donation, too, so maybe I can get a picture of his entire doggy family.
Paws, Barbara Mudd's heart dog, is now on our list!  His mom made a donation to help our Pekes.  She is becoming active in helping us with rescue and has a lot of knowledge that is great!!  
 Emily's Pekes, Drizzle and...
 Newman are monthly supporters of our rescue.   THANK YOU!!   It's amazing how you can become good friends with someone and never actually have met them!
 Bonnie's Dickens know how wonderful it is to have a forever home.
 Coco is an Australian Peke-- a rescue-- and lives with my good friend, Melinda.
 Rita's pups, Ladybug, Patches and Cupcake.  They all died within 18 months of each other at ages, 13, 14 and 10.
I know they took part of her heart with them.
 Gizzy and Doolin help us each month.
 Gizzy was a foster that they took in and they have done a tremendous job with him!!
And Doolin LOVES having a friend!!
 Dee sent a donation to honor her sweet girl, Mazie, and to in memory of...
Girl-Girl and Pooh.   All beautiful Pekes!!   
Ann has supported our group for years.  She had a beautiful Peke named Princess. She loved her little purse!!  Princess is no longer with her, but always remembered.   
Kay and Claretta sent in a donation as we end our "Joyful Year."   They have fostered and adopted, at one time, telling us to "give us your toughest dog."   We did!   Here they are, clockwise, beginning at "4."  Domino (yep, he was a trip while we had him!), Beau (oh, I love this boy!), Tucker, Tina, Pop, Maggie and Teddy.   
 The 7 Pekes have a beautiful Doberman sister named Tori.  I just couldn't leave her out!  She just thinks she is a very big Peke!! :-)
 Amee sent in a donation in memory of Joyful Grace, and her beloved girls, Darby and Macy.  This is Lexie, one of her Pekes now.
 Amee also wanted to honor Lexie and Mollie.   Mollie is so beautiful and little-- and she sometimes thinks she is the boss.  (Hmmm, this sounds familiar!)
 Amee's Drill Bit with the Pekes-- she and I both have Drill Bits!
Harley Marie is ready to look for all things Christmas-- of course, she lets her mom go along.   Harley was one of my foster dogs and SO adorable.   I love getting updates.  
Micky and Madeline were both adopted from us and live near me.   Their mom and dad came over yesterday to visit and see our Pekes.   Madeline and Micky wanted to give a donation to help our Pekes.  Thank you!
Doris, Weezie and Teddy sent a donation-- Doris crochets and did a fundraiser to help us with our vet bills.   We really appreciate her for doing this.   
This sweet one is Pupfy-- he belonged to Robert and a donation was made in his memory.   He was Robert's heart and is so missed.  
 Celeste's pets sent in a donation to help our foster Pekes-- Chi'in  has a great profile!
 Chi'in and Marco share a stroller, and their sister....
 HsiaHsia all wanted to help other Pekes-- Hsia Hsia was also a rescue.
Even their cat Milo wanted to help!!  Thank you, Celeste!
 Clarence (front) and Princeton were both adopted from us-- they are beautiful!!   Of course, Clarence came to us at Christmas i 2009, so he was named after the Christmas angel.   A sweet pair!
BooBoo is Patricia F.'s Peke-- oh, that face! :-)  Thank you for your donation sweet one!
Carleen sent me a group pictures of her beautiful group!   Thank you for supporting us Carleen.  I have people are really encouragers and you're one.
 Andrea sent me pictures of her beautiful Peke, Anna.   Are there presents in those boxes already?  :-)
I think Anna opened one of them!
Thea and Thurston were both PVPC fosters-- and now PVPC alumni!   They were puppies when they were adopted and have turned into such beautiful Pekes.   And so sweet!  Their mom, Pati, does dog care and the pics she posts each day are amazing.   I wish she was closer to me!   Thank you for your donation to help the ones who were like you.   And who is photo-bombing your picture! :-)
Susan's Ziggy loves helping the Pekes, too!!    His mom has helped transport and told us of Pekes that needed our help.   We are all a big team!

Thank you all for the donations!   We in PVPC really appreciate you!

1 comment:

  1. Greetings to Jane!!! I think of you a lot Jane and Coco and I send our love XXXX
    Love to you too Linda XXXX
