Sunday, January 15, 2017


 This senior boy is Bowser.   He is with a friend's rescue and I told her I'd love to do a blog on him.
 He is a very sweet boy, and even though he's older, he wants a forever home, like so many others who have gone through her home.
 He blended right into Darla's pack and made himself at home.
 He has special spots he likes, but if another dog is there, he just finds another spot.
 Like our group, all the dogs have a name tag.  It's SO important to have a name tag on all the time-- you never know when a dog could accidentally get out.
 Bowser may have lived a few years, but every dog is worth saving, worth loving, worth giving a home to.
 When it snows, he and one of his friends were the first outside.
 Here is what his foster mom wrote:
Bowser is an 11 year old neutered male Pekingese from WV whose owner was willing to surrender him to The Senior Dog Sanctuary of Maryland to get him the vet care he needed.  His owner could not financially care for him and he needed to have skin checked for possible infection or allergies. This has been ongoing and untreated for a long time. Bowser does have dry spots on his back that he had scratched into open wounds. His skin was irritated but seems better after he was given a medicated bath to help with the dry patches on his back.  The previous owner said Bowser absolutely loves bath time. She says the word and he runs and jumps into the tub himself.  He absolutely loves it and loves towel drying.

Bowser has lived with kids and done fine.  He was very sweet to his transport volunteer, all the staff and volunteers at the Senior Dog Sanctuary of Maryland, his foster mom and everyone he's met (dogs, adults and teens).   His foster mom fell in love with him at first sight.  He really craves and responds to attention.  Bowser loves cuddles and hugs and absolutely loves his belly rubbed. He's been sleeping with the foster mom and 2 of the resident dogs on the bed.
If you are interested in giving Bower a forever home, please go to:    The Senior Dog Sanctuary of MD 

1 comment:

  1. You know Linda .... I think there is a bit of Pug in dear old Bowser!
    What a dear old boy he is and I am doing a special Slooooow Adoption Dance for Mr B..... what a wonderful pet he would make for someone who loves a dog but cannot do all that walking that younger dogs need.
    Kisses to Bowser from the girls in Oz. XXX
