Tuesday, January 3, 2017


 Bumbles came to me from a local animal control.   His eyes were terrible.   Inflamed, "goopy" and sore.
 But, oh, what a sweet boy!
 He showed us right away how adorable he was.
 He loved tummy rubs!
 He loved laps!
 He loved people!
 He had to have eye fold (nasal fold) surgery because his folds below his eyes were rubbing on his eyes, causing pigment to form and effecting his vision.   He is getting eye drops for dry eye, and he's doing so much better about the drops.  At first, he HATED those drops, but now, I keep saying "Good boy!" and then it's over fast.  
 He had to wear the dreaded e-collar for over ten days, and then I let him have it off and watched him carefully.   His stitches were healed.   Itchy hair growing in made him rub it some, but the stitches were healed.  
He goes to his new home today-- always bittersweet.  A new life begins for him in a loving home and I have to say good-bye.  It's part of rescue and now I can help another.   Rescue gives the opportunity to love and help so many.   Thank you to everyone who helps us-- you are part of our journey to new lives!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I do love that Bumbles and I hope his new owners give you updates Linda !
