Monday, January 23, 2017


 Roxy and her sister, Daisy, came into rescue in 2015.  They were only about 9, but their care had been deplorable.  Their teeth were awful, their eyes not cared for.
 Wonderful vet care was given to both but we can't always undo the damage.  Daisy died of heart issues last fall-- I'm sure her bad teeth had contributed to this.   They were both sweet and we thought they were both healthy and would live a long time.
 Roxy was so precious.  
 She loved to roam around the yard at her foster home.
 At the vet one time, I had to bring Sugar Bit with me.
 Roxy was mesmerized by her and wanted to see her so badly.
 She tried to get into the stroller.  Roxy had such a wonderful personality.
Roxy developed cancer and left her adopted mom far too soon.  Surgery was done, but the cancer returned and nothing more could be done.   She is now with her sister, Daisy, and can run and play now with her.  I'm so very sorry her time wasn't longer with her new mom.   Run free now, sweet Roxy.

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful Pekes they both were!
    I am so sorry for your loss of dear Roxy.
