Saturday, February 4, 2017


 Grace came into rescue in 2011 after her owner died.   She was 7 years old and had had a rough time before we got her.  She was only ten pounds, a tiny one.  Her condition and mental state showed she must have gone through a lot when she was in her home. The other dogs, like her, were in terrible condition.  
Click here: Must Love Pekes: GLITTER    Here is her blog when we got her.
 Grace learned that people could be good.  She was clean, vetted, given good food and lots of love.
 She was first with Roger and Lucinda and then went to Kim for fostering.  
 She went on a home visit and met Teddy, who became her brother and best friend.
 They loved to be together.  In a pile of leaves...
 or on the steps, all dressed up.
 Grace lived in her new home for over five years before Cushings Disease and severe arthritis took her.   She received so much love during that time, and her mom is devastated by the loss.  
Run free now, sweet girl-- you were so loved.  

1 comment:

  1. Once again ... what a BEAUTIFUL peke Grace was.
    Love to her family who must miss her so.
