Wednesday, February 22, 2017


 Ty-Ty came to me in February 2010 with his sisters, Katie and Sugar and his brother, Caleb.  They were turned into a shelter by their owner to avoid charges.
 I fostered Ty-Ty and he was a sweet, but very timid boy.  
 He learned to love toys-- and in his adoptive home later, he made piles of them by the front door.
 He loved the soft, squishy ones.
 "It's mine!"
 He was at my house for awhile, but not long.  
 He was adopted near me and he posed with his calendar picture.
 He had a Peke brother named Snuggy and they were best friends.
 I saw him and he was having a rough time.
 His brother, Snuggy, had died and Ty-Ty was going into kidney failure.    His mom and dad did all they could for him, but he passed away last Saturday.
My heart goes out to his family-- he was loved so much.  He is now with his brother, Snuggy, and running free, totally healthy.   We love you, sweet one.

1 comment:

  1. My thoughts go out to little Ty-Ty's family... he will be so missed.
