Thursday, March 30, 2017


 Granger is my granddog-- he is usually getting into something-- boxes, digging holes, and getting into places he should not be.
 He does like hidey holes.
 He also likes to go driving when he gets a chance.
 Well, Granger has a new job-- see this puppy?  And my beautiful granddaughter, Lil Bit aka The Viking.
 No, my daughter did not get another dog-- she is puppy sitting.
 Granger has appointed himself as the puppy's guardian.
 He even slept in the xpen with the puppy so it would not cry!  He is just fascinated by this puppy!
And every so often, he takes a nap to regroup.  I understand, Granger!!  I could use one, too, after the Bits have been here all day. :-)

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