Friday, May 26, 2017


 Baby Girl came into rescue with Furby and Rocky.   I have not posted much on Baby Girl-- also known now as BG.  The reason is because we thought her condition was pretty serious-- maybe cancer.  She also has a grade 4 heart murmur, so surgery could be "iffy."
 She has been getting amazing care in her foster home. and she saw a cardiologist to see if she could handle the surgeries she needed.  We got the go-ahead!   Her surgical procedures were yesterday.
Here she is with her friend, Domino (before the surgeries).  Baby Girl is now done with all the surgeries she needed.  She has cysts removed, mammory tumors taken out, and a large growth on her neck removed.  They were also able to repair a large hernia that her bladder was moving into/through.  Biopsies have been sent out, and we pray this little girl can heal and have a wonderful life ahead of her.   I know she will have the best foster moms to care for every need she has.   Get well soon, sweet girl!


  1. Oh that darlin Baby Girl!!!

    I am so glad the Cardio gave her the OK for surgery!!!

    Mmmmmm...... I wonder if that Cardio would give her the OK for a long plane flight to Oz????LOL oh Linda ... she is so sweet.. a delightful black Midnight Peke!!!

  2. She looks like a very sweet girl, I'm so glad her surgeries were successful!

  3. Yay BG! Hopefully rest comes out good.
